Tutorial: RNN Fantasy Character Name Generator Pytorch
Jan 7, 2020·
1 min read

Ben Ahlbrand
Advances in sequential modeling via deep learning allows procedurally generated names for RPG characters that belong in Tolkienesque worlds. I used pretty much the simplest sequential model - an RNN, more specifically a variation of CHARNN, to train a network capable of producing interesting names when sampled with various characters and category conditions (the language class).
The categories include:
- dwarf
- man
- elf
- ainur
Take a closer look at the dataset here - it’s a dump of names from the Tolkien universe w/a class label.
after just a few minutes training on my nvidia 2070 super, the network is capable of reconstructing the following names:
- Romi
- Ulmor
- Salin
- Galdir
- Elenel
- Rimegell
- Serimin
- Parandil
- Arandil
- Miner
- Orome
- Nain
Pytorch implementation source code available here